Producton Blog

Hello guys, it's me Daram again. This is another update blog on my commercial. I'm still sticking with the same plan by the way. I decided I wasn't going to do a small intro transition in the beginning because that would have been too extra and it didn't make a lot of sense when I thought more about it. I ended up exporting the pictures and videos into the CapCut. I also exported the song into the background. I added transitions into the overall video to create effects. I did have one problem however. There was some problem with the audio output of the video when I exported it to my main gallery so I had to redo the whole process again but I just changed the guitar video around. What I decided to do was just mute the audio coming from the guitar video because I believed that it as interfering with the background music of the commercial which messed it up. That's when I just figured to just mute the sound coming from the guitar video. Overall though, the rest of the commercial has turned out well and other than the audio malfunctioning, nothing else gave me problems throughout editing the commercial. Now I'll just focus on making the transitions look a little more cooler just for the aesthetics of it. I want that good zing to be portrayed in my commercial. Everything else is good though so after editing the transitions in between the commercial, I'll be all set. 


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