Introduction to the Music Video Blog

Hello there! My name is Daram Singh. I am 16 years old and I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I am a proud Hindu and my culture is Guyanese. My greatest passion is music and that always puts a smile on my face no matter what. No matter what mood I'm in, I always turn to music for any of my problems. I can play any instrument handed to me and that is my hidden talent. I love being sweet, kind, and pure to others because I believe there should be no room in this world for negativity. I love to cherish the moments I create with family and friends. I love to make jokes and put a smile on not just my face, but on the faces of others as well. I love to travel and explore because I believe you learn more about yourself if you are adventurous. Career-wise I generally just want to become STINKING rich, however occupation-wise, I would love to become an A&P Mechanic and Technician, either for an airline or a very popular aviation corporation. I also want to become an investor in real estate. My main goal in life is to be able to support my family at all costs and to be able to say one day that my family, friends, and I are living our best life with no financial, mental, or physical problems, and even if we do, love will always be on our side. I have an inquisitive nature, and I'm always eager to learn new things. I can't cook to save my life, which is definitely something I would need to pick up. I'm really good at every sport other than soccer. I'm really good at art, I actually used to create drawings for my teachers in elementary schools and they would hang it up next to their desks because they were so surprised at how good it was. Overall I just love being a good, positive, caring person because I feel like that's how we as humans are supposed to be. Setting a good example for the future generation is what I'm all about and I'll always strive for the betterment of humanity and for happiness and love to always prevail in the end. 


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