Production Blog- The beginning of friendship

Hello there bloggers!! This blog will be about the first steps taken at the beginning of the music video. To start off, My partner Mckendy has recorded the scenes of him waking up from a text message from his friend (Jordon). Jordon is playing the role of McKendy’s friend in the music video. So far I have started to edit the scenes but also plan out more ideas for the editing to figure out what more I could add to the editing in order to make the music video a great one. Mckendy and I have brainstormed many transitions to edit for the beginning of the music video. The next scene recorded was by yours truly... me. I recorded the scene where Mckendy walks out of his house, and onto the sidewalk to go see his friend that texted him (Jordon). This scene was recorded in a Medium-Close up shot. So far this has been the only scene I have recorded and besides recording, I have just been planning out on all the editing while Mckendy tries to rearrange the recording days in order for it to be convenient for Mckendy, Jordon, and me. We are super excited to see how this music video will turn out. There are so many ideas that I have come up with on how to make the music video much better than how we already have it planned. We came up with the base plan, which was the scenes that were used for the storyboard. Those will be the scenes that will be recorded. Our music video portrays a story of friendship and that's why I believe all components of the music video, meaning the acting of the scenes and the editing should all correlate in order to give a more entertaining story of friendship. Mckendy and I can't wait to publish our music video so that all these amazing bloggers can view it.  


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