
Showing posts from September, 2023

Commercial Video

 Hello guys! It's me again, this is my finished commercial video. I hope you enjoy it!

Production Blog

Welcome to my blog, again guys! It's me, Daram of course. This blog is just another update on my commercial. To just recap on the whole thing, I decided against including a little intro transition at the beginning since it would have been excessive and, upon further reflection, didn't really make sense. Nothing much has changed ever since the last blog really. So far I have just been going over the whole video multiple times to check and see if I should make any changes to it since I finished with time to spare. So far everything seems nice and it flows well which completes my satisfaction. It also matches the objective of the assignment. I'll just run through the entire procedure now to illustrate my end sequence for the commercial. I imported the CapCut with the output images and movies. Additionally, I exported the tune for background use. To add effects and prevent the commercial from being tedious, I created transitions throughout the entire video. I resolved the one i

Producton Blog

Hello guys, it's me Daram again. This is another update blog on my commercial. I'm still sticking with the same plan by the way. I decided I wasn't going to do a small intro transition in the beginning because that would have been too extra and it didn't make a lot of sense when I thought more about it. I ended up exporting the pictures and videos into the CapCut. I also exported the song into the background. I added transitions into the overall video to create effects. I did have one problem however. There was some problem with the audio output of the video when I exported it to my main gallery so I had to redo the whole process again but I just changed the guitar video around. What I decided to do was just mute the audio coming from the guitar video because I believed that it as interfering with the background music of the commercial which messed it up. That's when I just figured to just mute the sound coming from the guitar video. Overall though, the rest of the

Production Blog

 Hello guys, It's me Daram, again. I'm now creating a new blog to give an update on the status of my commercial. I've decided to stick with the same plan. This would be the three pictures of me to start out with. Then I'll do the video of myself playing guitar. Then I'll import a clip of the song to play in the background. This would give the commercial a great slide show aura. Now that I'm thinking of it though, I might put the video in between the pictures. Therefore, I'll probably just put the video behind the first or second picture so the commercial can have a good flow. I believe just having three pictures with a video after and a song playing in the background might be a little bland. This is why I just decided to put the video in between the pictures so the commercial isn't bland. To prevent the commercial from being bland, I also wanted to stick with the idea of inserting small little captions in the pictures and video to give a little insight o

Production Blog

Hello there again blog! Today I'll be talking about what my mindset about the commercial is. I'll also be talking about my preparations and plan for making the commercial. To start off, I have already chose the media content for the commercial. It is 3 pictures of me, one video of me playing guitar and one of my favorite songs. I plan on editing all of this on CapCut. I plan on putting in a couple small little captions in the commercial for the aesthetics and to inform the audience on what's going on in the commercial. I'll edit the song to play in the background. I'll also try to fade in pictures to add a little pizzazz in the commercial. I'll also add a cool effect to the video to intro it and fade it out. After all the editing I'll watch it over to make sure It's exactly how I want it. After that I'll just export the video and submit it. The goal was to keep it simple since It's just pictures and videos of myself but to also make it a little i

Research/Planning Blog

Hello everyone, it's me again, Daram. Today I'll be talking about why I chose that certain media for my commercial. My first picture was me as a baby. I chose that picture for my commercial because we all start off young in life so I wanted to show my progress physically in my all about me commercial. My next picture was met at the beach. The beach is one of my favorite places in the world because I can personally relieve myself from any stress in life. I see more to the beach than just water, sand, sun, and a crowd of people. I see nature at it's fullest. I see god's gift to us. I see a visual of "appreciate what you have." That is a statement I 100% stand by and the beach allows you to find out more about yourself and spend more time with yourself which I believe is something we all need. Mental health is very important and that matches self love and what other place is better to enjoy your life accomplishments than spending your time to love yourself at the

Intro Blog

My name is Daram Singh. I am 16 years old and I was born and raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I am Hindu and my culture is Guyanese. My greatest passion is music and that always puts a smile on my face. I can play any instrument handed to me and that is my hidden talent. I love being sweet, kind, and pure to others because I believe there should be no room in this world for negativity. I love to cherish the moments with family and friends. I love to make jokes and put a smile not just on my face, but on other faces as well. I love to travel and explore because I believe you learn more about yourself if you are adventurous. Career-wise I generally just want to become STINKING rich, however occupation-wise, I would love to become an A&P Mechanic and Technician, either for an airline or a very popular aviation corporation. I also want to become an investor in real estate. My main goal in life is to be able to support my family at all costs and to be able to say one day that my fami